
Man looking out a window

Man looking through a windowSocial isolation is one of the top dementia risk factors and can exacerbate existing dementia symptoms and caregiver stress. In a recent edition of Dementia Talks! Canada, people with lived experiences shared some of their tips for staying socially connected.

  • Look for programs offered by your local Alzheimer Society and related organizations: Brenda and her mom participated in Voices in Motion, a choir for adults with memory loss and their caregivers. The choir was organized by Dr. Debra Sheets, an Alzheimer Society Research Program grant recipient.
  • If you can no longer drive, or mobility is an issue, stay connected virtually. There are various online groups you can join. John attends a Circle of Friends group on Zoom moderated by his local Society.
  • Volunteer with the Alzheimer Society or other community groups — many are looking for people with lived experience to provide input on programs, services and research. For example, John helped develop a guide about enhancing social connections.

Dementia Talks! Canada is a free, online discussion series produced in partnership between the Alzheimer Society of Canada and Brain Canada.

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