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Age Group
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Target Population
  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    We aim to explore how gender, social, and sensory factors influence the experiences of people who are living with cognitive decline and their spouses. We will complete a 90-min in-person interview with dyads (people living with cognitive decline and their spouses). Individuals are eligible to participate if the older person or their spouse lives with memory problems, experiences hearing impairment, and if the dyad has ever lived together in the community. Results may help identify ways to support the well-being of individuals with cognitive impairment and their spouses, paving the way for future studies.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Individuals are eligible to participate if the older person or their spouse lives with memory problems, experiences hearing impairment, and if the dyad has ever lived together in the community. Ability to speak English.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    This study, "Stranger than Family: Decision-Making & Ethics of Substitution for People Living With

    Dementia Going It Alone", explores how people facing dementia alone are connected with a substitute

    decision-maker and how ideas about capacity, consent, and decision-making affect them.

    Interviews will be conducted with:

    - People who are facing dementia alone

    - Healthcare and social service workers

    - Substitute decision-makers for others who are not close family members or close friends

    The overall goal of this study is to identify opportunities for advocacy, policy, and practice change to

    better support people facing dementia alone.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you:

    - Live in Ontario or Alberta AND

    - Have a diagnosis of dementia or are at-risk and planning for a future living with dementia and are

    facing dementia alone OR

    - Are a healthcare or social service worker, or other professional who has experience trying to connect

    adult clients with a substitute decision-maker OR

    - Have experience as a substitute decision-maker for someone living with dementia who is not a close

    family member or friend

    In addition, to be eligible you must:

    - Be able to participate in an interview over the phone, on Zoom, or in-person AND

    - Understand the purpose of the study and what participation involves

    -Speak English

    Recruitment End Date