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Age Group
Type of Study
Study Format
Target Population
  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    Early detection of brain changes is crucial to prevent cognitive decline and dementia. This study uses electroencephalography (EEG) to record the brain's electrical signals during simple tasks, with the hope of validating a measure that can improve early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.

    We are recruiting 150 individuals with mild memory issues and mild dementia at Baycrest in Toronto and Bruyère in Ottawa. In a separate study we are also recruiting older adults with no memory problems. The results of both studies together will help us determine if our new EEG measure can detect abnormal changes in brain health early on and if it can help predict future cognitive changes. We hope that this new test will be used in the clinic to identify individuals who may benefit the most from early treatment and interventions.

    Eligibility Criteria

    - Are between 60 and 85 years of age

    - Have a diagnosis of amnestic mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s

    - Have normal vision (with visual aids, if needed) and no other serious health issues

    - Ability to speak English

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of receiving a dementia diagnosis in northwestern Ontario healthcare systems in order to improve the diagnosis process for others who may be diagnosed in the future, and physicians/health care providers who diagnose people with dementia.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • Are practicing medicine in northwestern Ontario

    • Have experience diagnosing people with dementia

    • Have practiced for a minimum of 1 year

    • Speak English


    • Have been diagnosed with dementia between 1-5 years

    • Lived in northwestern Ontario at the time of diagnosis

    • Are currently living in northwestern Ontario

    • Speak English

    Recruitment End Date

  • Clinical Trial
    In-Person & Online

    What is this Study about?

    This study is looking for caregivers to take part in a six-week creative movement group program, which aims to improve mental well-being and resilience.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you: identify as a primary caregiver for a family member (e.g., parent) or partner/spouse living with dementia.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    This study aims to understand the needs and experiences of caregivers in managing medications for people living with dementia (PLWD) to enhance future resources. In stage one, caregivers of PLWD will be interviewed to gain insights into their needs and preferences for resources. In stage two, healthcare providers from various backgrounds and settings will be interviewed to understand how they support medication management for PLWD.

    By understanding caregivers' experiences and needs in medication management, this study strives to contribute to the development of improved resources for caregivers. Ultimately, improving medication management practices has the potential to enhance the quality of life and health outcomes for both PLWD and their caregivers. By empowering caregivers with effective tools and resources, we contribute not only to the well-being of individual caregivers and care recipients but also to the broader societal goal of fostering a supportive and sustainable healthcare system for those affected by dementia.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you are:

    - An caregiver who provides informal, unpaid care to a friend or family member diagnosed with any form of dementia

    - English speaking

    - Live in Ontario as their primary residence

    - Support in medication management activities weekly for at least 2 months. Examples of medication management activities include but are not limited to obtaining medications from the pharmacy, preparing and administering medications, and monitoring for side effects

    Recruitment End Date

  • Clinical Trial

    What is this Study about?

    The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of GSK4527226 in participants with early Alzheimer's Disease (AD) (including mild cognitive impairment [MCI] and mild dementia due to AD) of 2 dose levels of GSK4527226 compared to placebo.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Age 50 - 85
    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease
    Must have a study partner

    Recruitment End Date

  • Clinical Trial

    What is this Study about?

    The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of an oral medication, IGC-AD1 that is a natural THC-based (Tetrahydrocannabinol) formulation, administered in micro doses, twice a day, on symptomatological Agitation, in patients with mild to severe dementia from Alzheimer's.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
    Must have a study partner

    Recruitment End Date

  • Clinical Trial
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    To examine the effects of a stress management program on well-being, stress, and cognition in family caregivers of someone with dementia or a related neurodegenerative disorder. We will be recruiting participants from 2023 - 2027.

    Eligibility Criteria

    - are a primary family caregiver of a person with dementia or a related neurodegenerative disorder.

    - have access to a computer with high-speed internet; and feel comfortable using email and Zoom (a secure online meeting platform).

    - have a video camera on your device. To ensure safety of participants during the program sessions, it is important that participants turn on their video camera. Keeping the video camera on is also important to build trust within the group sessions and when interacting with the researchers.

    - are willing to be randomised to one of 3 groups, even if it is not your preferred group.

    - are able to commit to a synchronous 8-week online group-based program (described below) and complete daily prescribed daily home practices.

    - are able to commit to three assessment sessions: one baseline assessment, one post-program assessment, one 12-month follow-up assessment.

    - agree to audio recording of interview sessions and portions of the assessment that require accurate verbal data collection.

    - are able to provide blood samples, potentially after a 12-hour fast.

    - are able to travel to a LifeLabs clinic for biomarker collection.

    - agree to refrain from participating in new studies or programs during the 8-week study session.

    - meet the screening criteria during the pre-screening interview.

    - ability to speak English.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    Researchers at the University of Waterloo are looking for individuals to participate in a research study that explores the perceptions of dementia and health-seeking behaviour amongst Arab care partners in Ontario. This study aims to understand how dementia is perceived by Arab care partners and the use of dementia-related health services and community support services.

    Sharing your experience will help us to understand 1) how dementia is perceived by Arab care partners and 2) the use of dementia-related health services and community support services.

    Eligibility Criteria

    We are looking for individuals who:

    1. Are from the Arab community AND

    2. Are a family member who cares or has cared for a person living with dementia OR Are a family member who cares or has cared for a person with memory challenges

    Interviews can be conducted in Arabic or English based on the participants' preference

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    The purpose of this study is to assess whether a virtually-delivered healthy lifestyle intervention (over Zoom) is feasible for individuals who feel that their memory or thinking is declining.

    Eligibility Criteria

    -Are between the age of 65-85

    -Are concerned about your memory and other thinking abilities

    -Have access to internet at home

    -Are a resident of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, or Quebec

    Recruitment End Date