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Age Group
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  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    This study will uncover how bilingualism supports healthy cognitive aging by examining the influence of different language experiences on the timing and location of brain network activity. We will examine the timing of brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG; i.e., recordings of electrical brain activity) and the location of brain activity using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; i.e., images of activity in different parts of the brain). Different language experience factors will additionally be explored. By measuring multiple factors (e.g., the age of second language learning, language proficiency) the effect(s) of different language experiences on the brain and cognition will become clearer.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you:

    - are a French-English bilingual over the age of 65

    - have mild cognitive impairment

    - have Alzheimer's disease

    - are a healthy older adult (i.e., have no cognitive conditions)


    Please note that you do not need to be completely fluent in both English and French, just to have some familiarity, experience or training with both languages to be eligible to participate.

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    This research study examines how online search result accuracy affects people's evaluation of medical treatments, focusing on older adults with potential digital literacy challenges. Using eye-tracking, screen logging, think-aloud protocols, and interviews, the study explores how search accuracy influences judgment. The goal is to optimize trustworthy health websites and create user-friendly interfaces, enhancing health information literacy among older adults. By analyzing attention patterns, thought processes, and search result interactions, researchers aim to understand how older adults make health-related judgments online. This will inform development of search engines better suited for older adults seeking health information.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you:

    - Are at least 60 years of age

    - Are able to speak and understand English well

    - Are able to use a computer for basic tasks (can use a mouse and keyboard)

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    In this study we aim to explore the motivations and impacts of disclosure a personal diagnosis of dementia or being a care partner on social media. The overall goal of the study is to develop an evidence-based resource to promote benefits of social media for the dementia community while minimizing its harms.

    Eligibility Criteria

    -Identify as an individual living with dementia

    -Identify as a care partner

    -Are over the age of 19

    -Have posted on social media about living with dementia or being a care partner

    -Speak English

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    We aim to explore how gender, social, and sensory factors influence the experiences of people who are living with cognitive decline and their spouses. We will complete a 90-min in-person interview with dyads (people living with cognitive decline and their spouses). Individuals are eligible to participate if the older person or their spouse lives with memory problems, experiences hearing impairment, and if the dyad has ever lived together in the community. Results may help identify ways to support the well-being of individuals with cognitive impairment and their spouses, paving the way for future studies.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Individuals are eligible to participate if the older person or their spouse lives with memory problems, experiences hearing impairment, and if the dyad has ever lived together in the community. Ability to speak English.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    Early detection of brain changes is crucial to prevent cognitive decline and dementia. This study uses electroencephalography (EEG) to record the brain's electrical signals during simple tasks, with the hope of validating a measure that can improve early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.

    We are recruiting 150 individuals with mild memory issues and mild dementia at Baycrest in Toronto and Bruyère in Ottawa. In a separate study we are also recruiting older adults with no memory problems. The results of both studies together will help us determine if our new EEG measure can detect abnormal changes in brain health early on and if it can help predict future cognitive changes. We hope that this new test will be used in the clinic to identify individuals who may benefit the most from early treatment and interventions.

    Eligibility Criteria

    - Are between 60 and 85 years of age

    - Have a diagnosis of amnestic mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s

    - Have normal vision (with visual aids, if needed) and no other serious health issues

    - Ability to speak English

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of receiving a dementia diagnosis in northwestern Ontario healthcare systems in order to improve the diagnosis process for others who may be diagnosed in the future, and physicians/health care providers who diagnose people with dementia.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • Are practicing medicine in northwestern Ontario

    • Have experience diagnosing people with dementia

    • Have practiced for a minimum of 1 year

    • Speak English


    • Have been diagnosed with dementia between 1-5 years

    • Lived in northwestern Ontario at the time of diagnosis

    • Are currently living in northwestern Ontario

    • Speak English

    Recruitment End Date

  • Clinical Trial
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    The Nighttime Insomnia Treatment and Education for Canadians with Alzheimer’s Disease (NITE-CAD) team is lifestyle intervention program to support care partners in helping improve sleep in people living with dementia. This program is based on an American program that has been modified to meet the needs of Canadians. The NITE-CAD program takes place over 6-weeks and consists of 1) education and goal setting, 2) self-directed physical activity, and 3) bright light exposure. This study is to help ensure the NITE-CAD program is feasible for future offerings.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • Care partner to someone living with dementia with sleep difficulties

    • Are living with dementia experiencing sleep difficulties, with a live-in care partner who is interested in participating

    • Able to speak and understand English

    • Have access to the internet and a computer with a camera and microphone

    • Able to participate in an exercise program

    • Sufficient cognitive function to follow two-step commands.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    Surveying opinions on how to improve diversity in dementia research.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you are:

    1) Involved in dementia research or services

    AND / OR

    2) from an underserved group* in dementia research.

    3)Aged 19 +

    3)Able to complete the web-based survey in one of the following languages: English, French, Chinese (simplified), Punjabi, Inuktitut.

    *Underserved groups in dementia research include: Racial/ethnic minorities (i.e., South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, Arab, Latin American, Southeast Asian, West Asian, Korean, Japanese, or other racial/ethnic minority) Indigenous populations (i.e., First Nations, Inuit, Métis, or other Indigenous group), Sexual/gender minorities (i.e., the LGBTQ2S+ community), Individuals living in rural and/or remote communities, Individuals living with a disability, Individuals with low social and economic conditions.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    A dementia diagnosis impacts the cognitive, functional, and physical abilities of those diagnosed, which will influence their ability to perform activities of daily living including meal preparation and eating. Persons living with dementia can experience a range of difficulties while eating that will impact their ability to consume adequate food and fluids, which include but are not limited to swallowing, chewing, and self-feeding difficulties. Consequently, persons living with dementia are at increased risk of malnutrition and negative health outcomes. The objective of this study is to understand the experience of persons’ living with dementia or diagnosed memory problems and/or their caregivers in managing eating challenges and swallowing problems in the community.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you:
    - Speak English
    - A person with memory problems experiencing eating challenges or swallowing problems in the community
    - OR if you are or were a caregiver to a person with memory problems with eating challenges or swallowing problems.

    Recruitment End Date