Nous sommes ici pour vous aider.
Que cherchez-vous?
- J'ai peur d'être atteint d'un trouble neurocognitif.
- J'ai peur qu'une de mes connaissances soit atteinte d'un trouble neurocognitif.
- J'ai récemment reçu un diagnostic.
- Je suis atteint d'un trouble neurocognitif.
- Je prends soin d'une personne atteinte d'un trouble neurocognitif.
- J'essaie de réduire mon risque.
- Je cherche à offrir mon soutien.
- Je suis un professionnel de la santé.
- Je m'intéresse à la recherche sur les troubles neurocognitifs.
Dementia Helpline
An opportunity to talk with someone who understands the dementia journey can provide vital support. Learn more about our Dementia Helpline service.

Grief Support Program
We’ve developed a new grief support program for continued support after a person with dementia has died.

Caregiver Education Series
The Caregiver Education Series supports families and friends of persons newly diagnosed with dementia.

Student Research Awards
The Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia is committed to supporting research in dementia by offering awards to PhD/postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate-level students.

The Dementia Lifestyle Intervention for Getting Healthy Together (DELIGHT) is a new program focusing on health and well-being.

Promising Practices Hub
Promising Practices, presented by Shannex. Inspired by our annual Promising Practices Showcase, this page provides a hub of resources to create Promising Practices in dementia care.

Fundraise and participate
Your participation in our special events makes a significant difference for those living with the disease through Alzheimer programs and services in your local community.

Making a referral in Nova Scotia
First Link® provides confidential, timely support and education, helping families prepare for the challenges ahead and avert crises.

Caregiver Support Groups
The Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia offers a network of Caregiver Support Groups.