Promising Practice Showcase Nominations

Nominate your own team or someone else to share at our conference - ideas big or small can make an impact! Let’s learn from each other and recognize the good work happening right here.

Promising Practices Showcase 2024

Our conference attendees love hearing about homegrown dementia care ideas from the speakers in our Promising Practices Showcase!

The Showcase allows the sector to learn directly from Maritime peers working in dementia care. It could be a new program, care approach, or tool that has improved the lives of people living with dementia.

Nominate your own team or someone else to share at our conference - ideas big or small can make an impact! Let’s learn from each other and recognize the good work happening right here.

Nominations are due by Sunday, August 18. Submit as many unique nominations as you would like. Submissions will be reviewed and selected by our conference program planning committee. Those selected will be contacted and invited to share their Promising Practice at our conference on October 22.

Fill out the nomination form below: