
Challenge your brain with our word search.

A game of wordsearch. Image by Ekaterina Minaeva from Shutterstock.

Credit: Ekaterina Minaeva from Shutterstock.

Try out some other brain-challenging puzzles: Crossword and sudoku.

Keep your brain active with this brain themed word search! Simply click and drag your mouse over the word that you found and have fun!

Constructed using the online wordsearch builder from Amuse Labs


Give your brain a small challenge by playing a game of crossword. There's a new puzzle every day.

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A game of crossword. Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay.


Give your brain a small challenge by playing a game of sudoku. There's a new puzzle every day.

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A game of sudoku.

Challenging your brain

Work out your brain! Exercising your mind daily can keep your brain stimulated and can improve the quality of life for a person with dementia.

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Ron Robert at his university.