Long-term care
When a person living with dementia needs full time support, moving to a long-term care home may be the next step for you and your family.

Can't find the information you need on this page? Visit our other pages on How to make the best decision on finding a home and Moving in to long-term care.
You can also contact your local Alzheimer Society. We are available to help you through the process and to find services available in your area.
When is it time to move to long-term care?
As you consider your caregiving options, try to be flexible. Keep in mind the needs of the person you're caring for, but balance them with your own well being. You shouldn’t have to do it all alone. Use our caregiver stress assessment checklist to see how stress may be affecting your life.
If you decide to continue caregiving at home, find out about support services available near you. In-home respite services, a home-care worker or visiting nurse may offer some relief. At the same time, consider hiring support for everyday chores such as housekeeping, laundry and home maintenance.
If you decide to arrange for care in a long-term care home, visit the other pages in this section for advice on finding the right home, preparing for the move, and adjusting to long-term care.
Moving someone you’ve been caring for can bring about all kinds of emotion – like guilt, sadness, relief, or even second thoughts. It doesn’t mean that your role as a caregiver is any less important. You may find that you have a different focus, like staying connected to the person or even advocating for quality dementia care.
Reach out to your friends, family, doctor, or even a caregiver support group if you need any help with making the decision to move.
Resources for long-term care
When a person living with dementia needs full-time support they may move to long-term care. This can be one of the most significant and challenging transitions for a person living with dementia.
This list will provide an overview of Alzheimer Society resources that can support people living with dementia, caregivers and health care providers before, during and after the transition to long-term care.

Also check out our print-friendly, downloadable resources on long-term care through the Moving to long-term care series.
This information is for you if you are caring for someone living with dementia and you are considering moving them to a long-term care home. We know this may be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever have to make. This information sheet covers things to think about, including some checklists and hands-on tips.

This information is for you if you are caring for someone with living with dementia and you are preparing to move them to a long-term care home. We know that moving the person you care for to a long-term care home may be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever have to make. This information covers things to think about and hands-on tips to help you better prepare for the move.

This information is for you if you are caring for someone living with dementia and you are moving them to a long-term care home. We know that moving the person you care for to a long-term care home may be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever have to make. This information provides you with tips to make the moving day as successful as possible.

This information is for you if you are caring for someone living with dementia after a move to a long-term care home. We know that moving the person you care for to a long-term care home and adjusting to the many changes may be a difficult experience. This information covers things to think about and hands-on tips to help you and the person living with dementia adjust after a move.

Other resources
Printable checklists
Experiencing some stress is part of everyday life. However, when symptoms of stress persist, they can be harmful. This print-friendly, downloadable checklist may help you identify how stress is affecting your life. Place a checkmark to indicate how often you experience these symptoms of stress.

Make a copy of this print-friendly, downloadable checklist to use as you research and visit each long-term care home.

Use this print-friendly, downloadable checklist to know what can help make moving day easier for you and the person living with dementia.

Resources for people living with dementia and professional caregivers
A fillable booklet to help professional caregivers get to know people living with dementia better.