Quinte West Community Gardens Visit
Hastings – Prince Edward
Wed, Aug 2, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Join us for "Out and Abouters" - a social gathering hosted in the community with a bring your own picnic option! Our first stop - the Quinte West Community Gardens in Trenton.

Everyone welcome to join us for this free, public community event! Please register by calling 613-962-0892
Bring your own picnic lunch to enjoy with the group if you are interested.
Learn about your local community gardens, and take part in a fun activity.
Let's get outside and enjoy SUMMER!
*Please bring water, sunblock/protective hat/clothing as required to stay safe and cool!
Weather permitting.
Questions? Call 613-962-0892 or reach out to Jeniece Renaud at jeniece.renaud@alzheimerhpe.ca