U-First!® for Health Care Providers

U-First!® is a training program designed to help frontline staff develop a common knowledge base, language, and approach to caring for people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Female nurse walking down hallway with female patient

To learn more about U-First!® for Health Care Providers, click here to sign up for one of our upcoming information sessions.

About U-First!®

U-First!® is an evidence-based, person-centred framework for providing care to individuals who are displaying behavioural changes due to dementia and other cognitive impairments.

If you are caring for someone with dementia, the U-First!® program will help you:

  • Understand that there can be many reasons why people living with dementia experience behaviour changes.
  • Flag possible changes that you may see when you are supporting a person living with dementia.
  • Interact in a positive way with both skill and a common understanding of dementia.
  • Reflect and report on not only new behaviours you may see in the person you are supporting but also share your strategies and tips with the team.
  • Support the person living with dementia, their family, and friends in everyday activities.
  • Know that you are part of an important Team in caring for the person living with dementia.

Workshops are offered by experienced facilitators and participants receive a U-First!® Certificate following their completion of the 7-hour training program.


If you currently provide direct care at a Nursing Home or Special Care Home, through a Home Care Agency, or are a family or friend caregiver of someone living with dementia, you may be eligible for provincial funding through the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick. Applicable funding includes the cost of registration, training materials, and related staff/caregiver replacement expenses.

Representatives, administrators, and supervisors can contact the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick at info@alzheimernb.ca for more information. In your email, please include (a) the name of the organization you work for, (b) your role within the organization, and (c) whether you would prefer English or French facilitation.