Walking for a Cure
After her husband was diagnosed with Young onset dementia, Georgette turned to the Alzheimer Society for support. Now, they both participate in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in the hope that funds raised for research will lead to the discovery of a cure.

Help raise awareness and give hope to those impacted by dementia in your community. Join the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s at www.walkforalzheimers.ca.
Georgette’s husband, Guy, was diagnosed with Young onset dementia at fifty-seven years old. It’s been challenging for both Georgette and Guy to accept the diagnosis. Although the journey to acceptance has been a rollercoaster, Georgette continues to be thankful for many things.
When Guy had to stop working, Georgette saw it as an opportunity to press pause and think about what they wanted for their future. Although they considered moving into an apartment in the Madawaska region, they decided to move to Lac Baker, Guy’s hometown. With a population of less than seven hundred people, Lac Baker has an incredible sense of community where people look out for one another. In fact, Guy’s childhood friend Sylvie lives in Lac Baker and reconnected with the couple, Sylvie is able to meet Guy where he is in the moment and offers him meaningful social interaction. She sometimes takes Guy to work with her, go for walks together, and even go to the hairdresser together!

When Guy received his diagnosis in 2018, Georgette connected with the Alzheimer Society and attended the First Steps Learning Series to help guide her next steps. After that connection was made, Georgette has continued to participate in educational sessions Caregiver Support Groups and continues to find them to be valuable. She can often relate to what others are sharing and use their experiences to learn more about the dementia journey. Attending the support group reminds her that she and Guy aren’t alone. Georgette hopes that anyone who needs support will reach out to the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick.
Georgette participates in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s for her husband, but also to fund research to find a cure for the disease. Although she knows that she and her husband may not benefit from this research, she continues to participate in the in hope of finding a cure for those who will come after.
If you’d like to help make a difference for people affected by dementia like Georgette and Guy, join the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s. Sign up today at www.walkforalzheimers.ca.