Education for the general public
Educational sessions are available to many different groups, including service clubs, businesses, rest & retirement homes, community organizations, schools, colleges and universities.

For more information about any of our Education Programs please contact:
Angela Cancellara
Education Coordinator
905-687-6856 ext. 551
Sarah Putman
Director of Education
905-687-6856 ext. 526
Customized Education Topics
The Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region provides many opportunities to learn more about dementia and related issues. We will customize our presentation based on the needs and/or interests of the group. Groups may be held in person or via the Zoom platform. Please note we require a minimum group size of 8.
Topics that can be combined in a presentation include:
Overview of Dementia
- Types of dementia
- How our brain functions
- Normal aging
- Treatment options
- Diagnostic process
- How memory works
- Nutritional issues
- Communication changes in the person with dementia
- Effective communication techniques
- Alternate methods of communication
Challenging Behaviours
- Types of behaviours
- Causes of behaviours
- How to respond to behaviours
- Approach and problem solving
Downs Syndrome and Alzheimer's disease
- Difficulty in diagnosis
- Losses of dementia
- Management strategies
Elder Abuse Awareness
- Who are the abusers
- Who are the abused
- Risk factors and implications
- When and how to report abuse
Intimacy, Sexuality and Dementia
- Attitudes towards sexuality and aging
- Recognizing the basic needs
Meaningful Activities
- What is meaningful
- Understanding the remaining abilities
- Planning activities
Understanding Family Issues
- Family Dynamics
- Caregiver burden
- Grief and loss
Dementia Friendly Communities
- Understanding risks for persons with dementia in the community.
- Adapting public environments - signs, colours, lighting
- Customer Service for persons living with dementia.
- Finding Your Way
Aging and Dementia Simulation
The Aging and Dementia Simulation is a hands on interactive educational experience that provides the participants an opportunity to walk in the shoes of an aging individual with memory impairments. Participants get a glimpse of what it feels like to have physical and sensory losses.
- To sensitize the participant to the losses associated with physical, sensory and memory in older adults.
- To gain a better understanding of the needs of a person living with dementia.
- To have the participants gain an insight into their own coping skills and problem solving capabilities.
- To have the participant gain an insight into their own behavioural responses under difficult circumstances.
- To explore changes that the participant can use in their approach and interaction with persons living with dementia or older adults with physical or sensory challenges.
Please note that we require a minimum group of 8 participants. All simulations include an educational debrief session.
Education for family and friends
Not a group? Individuals looking for education are welcome to attend our free public forums or other educational opportunities.