Research & Advocacy at ASNS
Learn more about our new Research & Advocacy department!

According to the Landmark Study, the number of people living with dementia in Nova Scotia is expected to reach nearly 30,000 by 2050 (an 87% increase from 2020). Volume 2 of the study showed us that this will disproportionately impact equity-deserving communities.
Though the data is alarming, the Landmark Study also provided a message of hope – that improving one’s brain health and focus on dementia risk reduction can have a major impact on these projections. By taking action, individuals could reduce their risk by up to 40 per cent, leading to less dementia overall in the population.
To provide sufficient support to ALL people affected by dementia, and support risk reduction at a population level, we must think differently. We need to work in new ways to prepare for the future and influence change.
We’re investing in a new Research & Advocacy department that will improve our capacity for work in these areas and promote further discussions around brain health and innovation. We’ll expand upon work we’ve long been doing including risk awareness, creating dementia friendly communities, fostering promising research and supporting our government partners.
This new department will be focused on:
- Supportive government advocacy
- Dementia Friendly Communities
- Research & Knowledge Translation
- Timely, culturally appropriate diagnosis
- Community level education and awareness
For over 40 years, our main focus has been on our evidence-based education, information and support programs for people with dementia and their care partners. And those programs are here to stay and always expanding! We’ll continue to provide Help for Today through programs and services, and Hope for Tomorrow through the expanded work of this new department.