Marilynn's Story
Tells how Marilynn became a volunteer

Hi, my name is Marilynn. I have been a volunteer for a long time, since the mid 1990’s when I helped with Tag Days in Alliston and then in Barrie. My Dad had dementia, so I have known about the disease for a long time. I have had an interesting and very active life. I raised racehorses at one time and managed a farm. I have been in Real Estate for a long while and still handle a client or two a year, just to keep my hand in. I started to participate in the Walk for Alzheimer’s when it was held at the Holly Recreation Centre. Then, when the Minds in Motion program started, I really enjoyed it helping in that program. I am not afraid to talk and get to know people living with dementia. I am gabby and like to talk to anyone. It is good for the person living with dementia to talk, to be active. It helps them to feel included. When COVID came, I decided that I would continue to walk, so I planned a route in my community and made myself walk for an hour every other day and cover some of my route that way. It is harder to walk this year. I have a few issues. I may not get as far as I usually do, but I will do my best. I am 82 years old now. I get such a good feeling when I am helping others. Alzheimer’s is a good cause.