About us
The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward is a non-profit organization and registered charity that offers navigation, support, education, and advocacy for people and families experiencing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Our vision: A world without Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
Our mission: To alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and to promote research
The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward (ASHPE) is a non-profit organization and registered charity that offers support, education, and advocacy for people and families experiencing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
Through a federation agreement, ASHPE is one of the thirty-some members of the Alzheimer Societies in Ontario. The Alzheimer Society is partially funded by Ontario Health. Consequently, it means we depend on donations and volunteer support for the remaining annual costs. Except for an amount budgeted for research, all of the money raised by fundraising events stays within the local Society.
PRIVACY MATTERS: The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward is committed to protecting the privacy of our clients and community. View our Privacy Policy here
CLIENT BILL OF RIGHTS: The Client Bill of Rights reflects the organization’s mission, values and guiding principles and is a key factor in the planning, delivery and evaluation of services provided at the Society. View our Client Bill of Rights here
The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward is part of the Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team
To learn more please visit: https://hpeoht.ca/