Other ways to donate
Your generosity helps us provide crucial support, information and education to people with dementia, their families and caregivers in Simcoe County.

Donate by mail
Please make your cheque payable to Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County and mail to:
Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County
P.O. Box 1414
Barrie, ON L4M 5R4
Download our Donation Form and mail in with your donation.
Donations can also be made in person at the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County office:
20 Anne Street South, Barrie, ON
Office Hours: Weekdays 8:30am to 4:30pm. Closed from 12-1pm daily.
Donate by telephone
In Simcoe County: 705-722-1066 (Option 1)
Toll-Free: 1-800-265-5391 (Option 1)
Please have your credit card number ready.
We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express
All donations are processed in Canadian dollars.
Donate In-Kind
A gift in kind is a donation of goods or service rather than money. Some examples of a gift in kind include:
- Prize donation for events
- Gift card
- Professional Services
- Artwork
Gifts in kind help the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County by enhancing events, reducing necessary expenses and contributing to the Society’s assets.
Not all gifts in kind are eligible for a charitable tax receipt as directed by the Canadian Revenue Agency. When receiving a gift in kind, the Society’s policy is as follows:
Prize Donations: Tax receipts for prize donations will only be given at the specific request of the donor. Documentation indicating the fair market value of the item must be provided by the donor.
Donation of Gift cards/certificates: Tax receipts will not be given for the donation of gift cards and gift certificates; however, the Society will provide a letter of acknowledgment.
Donation of Services: Tax receipts will not be issued for donations of services; however, it is acceptable for a person who has been paid by the Society for services rendered to then make a donation for which a receipt shall be issued.
For gifts of property, the Society will follow the following procedure:
- The Society shall accept gifts of property only with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer.
- An official income tax receipt shall be issued for gifts of property only up to the fair market value of the goods donated. If the fair market value of an item can be reasonably determined and is less than $1,000, a staff member with sufficient knowledge of the item can determine its value. If the fair market value of an item cannot be reasonably determined, an official donation receipt cannot be issued.
- All gifts-in-kind with a fair market value above $1,000 shall be accompanied by a credible valuation report prepared by a professional appraiser that states the fair market value. If the gift-in-kind is not accompanied by a credible valuation report, the donor shall be advised about this Gifts-in-Kind policy and that it is their responsibility to secure an appraisal from an independent professional appraiser.
- Official income tax receipts for gifts-in-kind shall be issued in accordance with CRA requirements for official donation receipts.
Appraisal of Gifts is the professional evaluation of gifts-in-kind by a qualified appraiser to establish the fair market value for the issuance of tax receipts.
Fair market value generally means the highest price, expressed in dollars, that a property would bring in an open and unrestricted market, between a willing buyer and a willing seller who are knowledgeable, informed, and prudent, and who are acting independently of each other.
Donate Your Car
Donate A Car Canada accepts Vehicle Donations on behalf Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County.
When you donate your RV, boat, motorcycle or other vehicle to Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County through Donate A Car Canada, it will either be recycled or sold at auction depending on its condition, age and location.
Donate a Car is a simple and easy process with free towing and pick up in every Province. You can maximize your donation by dropping off your vehicle at one of their identified locations.
The Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County follows Canada Revenue Agency’s guidelines for issuing charitable tax receipts. To issue a tax receipt, the donor’s full name and mailing address must be provided.
What gifts are eligible for a tax receipt?
Cash gifts which have been given freely, not as a result of a contractual or other obligation. A tax receipt will be issued for the full value of the gift except in cases where the donor has received an advantage
Gifts of property (e.g. computers, office furniture, artwork). A tax receipt for the fair market value of the property will be provided.
Gift certificates that have been purchased from the issuer and donated by the purchaser may be receipted at its fair market value.
Please be sure to provide your full name, including middle initial(s), and your mailing address to receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation.
What gifts are not eligible for a tax receipt?
Gifts of service (e.g. consulting) are not considered property by the CRA and therefore not eligible for tax receipts. In cases where a service is donated, the Society will pay the fee for the service. The service provider may donate the fee back as a cash donation which can then be receipted.
Gift of property where the fair market value cannot be determined
Gift certificates donated by the issuer.
Pledges are not eligible for a tax receipt until they have been fulfilled. They will then be receipted as a cash donation.
A court-ordered donation
Payment for raffle or lottery tickets
Gifts made by other not-for-profit organizations (i.e. service clubs)
Sponsorship payments
When are tax receipts* issued?
The Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County issues tax receipts throughout the year, usually within one to two weeks of receiving the gift. Monthly donors will be receipted at the end of the calendar year for the total of donations received during the tax year.
*Please be sure to provide your full name, including middle initial(s), and your mailing address to receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation.
What if I lose my tax receipt?
If a tax receipt is reported lost, the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County will cancel the lost receipt and issue a new receipt under another number.
What is considered an Advantage?
An advantage is when a donor received something in return for his or her gift. Examples of advantages include:
Dinner or performance at a fundraising event
Ticket to an event
Physical items received in return for the donation (e.g. the cost of cards for a donation made in lieu of wedding favours)
Questions or Comments?
Email us at [email protected] or call 705-722-1066 or toll-free 1-800-265-5391.
Ethical fundraising
The Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County is committed to upholding the principles of Imagine Canada's Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code.
Respect, openness and accountability
This is our commitment to you, as a valuable supporter of the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County. If you ever want to know anything about where your donation dollars go, please see our most recent annual report or contact us at [email protected]. We are committed to full financial disclosure.
Your privacy is always respected. All information relating to your correspondence and contributions to the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County is held in the strictest confidence.