Roadmap Towards a Renewed Ontario Dementia Strategy
In Ontario, dementia is hallway health care. Dementia is long-term care. We can do better.

In early 2022 the Alzheimer Society convened a panel of 21 experts in dementia care—physicians, researchers, sector advocates, and people with lived experience—and asked a simple question: what’s wrong with dementia care in Ontario today?
The feedback from this expert panel led us to 77 fully costed recommendations: a Roadmap Towards a Renewed Ontario Dementia Strategy. Covering the full spectrum of dementia care, from risk reduction to long-term care, this Roadmap offers actionable, costed steps the provincial government can take to transform dementia care in Ontario.
Click here to read the full Roadmap report, or click here for an executive summary.
During the 2022 provincial election, Alzheimer Society staff and clients met with hundreds of candidates from all major parties. Our supporters, like you, sent thousands of emails to their local candidates, and across Ontario, hundreds of thousands of voters saw our call to make dementia an election issue.
It worked: all four major parties made varying commitments to improve dementia care in Ontario. With your support, we’re working hard to make sure Ontario’s 43rd Parliament takes action on dementia care.
Want to get involved? Email to share your story.