Position Statements
Find the Alzheimer Society of Ontario's past and current position statements.

- April 2022: Tax Credit Guide for Ontarians Living with Dementia
- January 15, 2022: Pre-Budget Submission
- Read our Roadmap to Renewed Ontario Dementia Strategy
- May 26 2021 - Alzheimer Society calls for transparent, inclusive approach to developing critical care triage protocols
- May 2021: Ontario urges action on COVID-19 Commission Report
- March 2021: Budget Release
- March 2021: Preparing for a Dementia-Friendly Covid-19 Vaccination Experience
- March 2021: Tax Credit Guide for Ontarians Living with Dementia and their Care Partners
- March 1, 2021: Right Care, Right Time, Right Place
- January 27, 2021: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable
- December 2020: Submission to the Ontario Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission
- September 9, 2020: Care Partners are Not Visitors: Access to Long-Term Care in the “New Normal”
- August 24, 2020: The Impact of Covid-19 on Ontario’s Charitable Sector
- May 25, 2020: Alzheimer Society Echoes Calls for Supports for Canada’s Charities
- May 12, 2020: Health Charity Support Letter
- January 2020: Pre-Budget Submission
- June 25, 2019: Building a Dementia Care System That Works
- January 2019: Pre-Budget Submission