Brain Games

Stay cognitively active and have some fun by trying these activities.

Brain silouette with game pieces

To read more about the importance of challenging your brain and to access daily crossword, wordsearch and sudoku games, click here.

Click on the highlighted texts below to access the game sheets.

November Games

  • WackyWordies - Each of the puzzles provides a visual representation of a common word or phrase.
  • Nutrition Crossword - solve the 'good nutrition' crossword clues.
  • Finish the Cliche - fill in the blanks with the missing word from standard cliches.

September Games

August Games

  • Finish the Saying - These well-known sayings have had all of the vowels (A, E, I, O, and U) removed. Replace them and reveal the sayings.
  • Sudoku - Fill in the grid so that all nine columns down, all nine rows across, and all nine 3-by-3 boxes contain the numbers 1 through 9. A number appears in each column or row only once.
  • WackyWordies - Each of the puzzles below provides a visual representation of a common word or phrase.

July Games