Our history
Alzheimer Society of Durham Region provides help for today by working with local and regional agencies to meet the needs of people living with dementia. We also provide support and education programs for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, their family and care partners.

The Alzheimer Society of Durham Region is a non-profit, charitable organization that was initially founded in 1979 by a group of family care partners under the direction of Joy Mack. In 1986, it was incorporated and received charitable status. At that time, funding for family support and educational programming was received from the Ministry of Health. That funding, now through Ontario Health, continues to be a source of revenue for the Society and is augmented by fundraising activities, donations and grants.
Alzheimer Society of Durham Region is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors of community professionals and care partners. The Society is part of a network of 38 Alzheimer Society chapters that are members of the provincial Alzheimer Society of Ontario (ASO), which in turn is a member of Alzheimer Society of Canada. Each Alzheimer Society chapter gears its programming and services to the needs of its community.