Education Hour Online

Join us for our FREE one hour virtual education sessions. Dementia Basics, Brain Health ... we cover the topics you want to hear about most. Register and start learning online today!

See CalendarRegister here
Image of woman looking at computer

Dementia Education Night 2024

Join us for our Annual Fall Dementia Education Night: The Heart - Brain Connection at 7pm on Thursday, November 7. Dr. Sandra Black will share recent updates on the links between vascular and brain health

Click here to register
Dr. Sandra Black headshot

Dr. Sandra Black, Sunnybrook Hospital, headshot.

Programs and services

Find Alzheimer Society Huron Perth resources here: Support, Dementia education, Minds in Motion, Recreation programs, Referral services and more.

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National ambassador Tanis Rummery.

First Link®

If you are newly diagnosed with dementia, First Link® can connect you to the help you need as soon as possible.

Learn more
First Link Logo

Program Guide

Find out what is going on at the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth! See our current listings for our Education, Recreation, and Support Programs.

Learn more
Fall 2024 Program Guide with fall images

Contact us

If you or someone you know is impacted by dementia and needs a little support, please connect with the Society by phone, email, or drop by one of our offices.

Learn more
Headshots of Alzheimer Society supporters

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Stay connected with us! Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and updates from our teams on our programs, resources, and more.

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Our Connections Matter Newsletter Website Image