Programs and services

Learn more about the support programs, educational resources and referral services we offer to help support persons living the dementia journey.


We are here to help

Our staff and volunteers provide support programs, educational resources, referral services and more to ease the burden of care and improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, as well as their care partners and families.

Experience has shown that the earlier people begin to learn and strategize about coping with dementia, the better they are prepared and the better their care partners are able to provide support over time.

We hope you will find relief in knowing that you are not alone and do not have to pioneer your own path, when so many have gone before and have shared their learning.

Scroll down to learn more about the programs and services we offer at the Alzheimer Society of Sudbury-Manitoulin North Bay & Districts.

Programs & Services

First Link Care Navigation

First Link Care navigation connects you with health services and information from the time of diagnosis and through entire progression of the disease. 

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First Link Care Navigation

Education Programs

We provide an extensive range of educational opportunities tailored for diverse audiences including the general public, healthcare professionals, first responders, caregivers, family members, and individuals living with dementia

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Education programs 2024

Support Groups

Through various support groups, families and those living with dementia share personal experiences, expanding their social network and enhancing feelings of self-worth and control. Trained facilitators lead these groups, providing emotional relief and effective coping strategies.

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Support Groups

Health Promotion Programs

We offer various health promotion programs in the community that encourage healthy physical, cognitive and emotional well being for persons living with dementia and their care partners.

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health promotion programs

Adult Day Programs

Our Adult Day Programs serve as inviting centers that provide persons living with dementia (PLWD) a comforting space, fostering a sense of security, compassion, and the opportunity to embrace life to the fullest while preserving their dignity.

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In-Home Activation

Our in-Home Activation programs are designed for persons living with dementia to encourage individual interests and recreational pursuits from the comfort of their own home.

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in-home act