First Link®
First Link is a program that gives persons with dementia, their care partners and family a direct connection to a wide variety of services and supports offered through the Alzheimer Society and within the community.

What First Link® provides
- Care Coordination: linking patient and family members to community services for non-medical management from the point of diagnosis and throughout the continuum of the disease
- Organizing and coordinating dementia education training sessions: for family physicians as given by physician experts; for allied health professionals through collaboration with our community partners; for patients and family members through the Alzheimer Society of Timmins-Porcupine District
- Providing active follow-up and monitoring of patients and their family caregivers to assist in reducing the number of patient crises and overall help to improve their quality of life
- Maintaining statistics and evaluating patient and family caregiver outcomes.
Referrals are received from primary care providers (or Ontario Health Home and Community Care) and First Link® contacts the family. Services may be provided by telephone, at the Primary Care sight, the family home, Chapter offices or other suitable places. Please download the First Link® Referral Form and fax to (705) 360-4492 or send via mail to .
Contact our First Link Coordinators
Kirkland Lake Area:
North Cochrane:
Matheson/Cochrane and Iroquois Falls:
First Link® Learning Series
Join us for the First Link® Learning Series! Dates are still being determined, so check back on this page later or call the office.
Sessions are free of charge, but pre-registration is necessary.
To register for the First Link® Learning Series, contact our First Link® Coordinator at