Trivia Night

We are hosting a virtual TRIVIA Night fundraiser on Thursday, February 4th from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Join and play in the comfort of your own home! The entry fee is $10.00 and participants will play individually.

Trivia Night Fundraiser image

We are hosting a virtual TRIVIA Night fundraiser on:

Thursday, February 4th from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join and play in the comfort of your own home!

The entry fee is $10.00 and participants will play individually.

You will need 2 devices to play.

  1. a laptop, Ipad or PC 
  2. a mobile device 

This event will be held virtually through Zoom and you will need to download the Kahoot app on your mobile device.

Once you have paid the registration fee, instructions and the zoom code will be sent to you through email. Only registered participants will be able to play and join so your code is valid for you only. You cannot share the link.

This event is designed for all ages and questions are easy, general and fun. You do not lose points for wrong answers.

There will be prizes for the top 3 participants with the highest score.

To register call Jane at 866-576-8556. You are not considered registered until your entry fee has been paid. You can ONLY register by calling.

Space is limited to 95 players so register early so you don't miss out!

This event is generously sponsored by Computer Plus.

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