Virtual Forum from your home

Attend the online event of the National Forum Living Better with Alzheimer’s !

Get access to the Forum’s core content from the comfort of your home.

online forum from your home 10 dollars

Attend the opening and closing conferences and 4 workshops in the language of your choice (2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon).

A few weeks before the event in September, a link to access the online platform will be sent to the email address you used to register for the forum. 

I want to register for the online Forum

If you have any questions, please write to us at  [email protected]


your schedule for the online forum


9 a.m. / Opening remarks from Anne-Élisabeth Bossé

9:15 a.m. / Opening conference: Ageing well: Our hopes vs. reality

In this opening conference hosted by Marie-France Bazzo, a panel of experts will weigh in on active ageing and touch on questions such as: How can we age in good health? What are the secrets of centenarians? How can the elderly deal with ageism?


Judes_Poirier-en Harold_Gagne-en
Francine_Ruel-en Bazzo-en



10:45 a.m. / Strategies for preventing cognitive decline


Ageing and neurodegenerative diseases result in cognitive changes that affect autonomy and quality of life. This conference will explain the areas that can be worked on to maintain cognitive health and present strategies to reduce the risk of cognitive decline,  


11:45 a.m. / Workshop 2: Helping caregivers


A discussion regarding the roles of caregivers and strategies to support them to reduce the stress they deal with on a daily basis. Come discover various resources to help you prevent burnout.


1:30 p.m / Workshop 3: The importance of an early diagnosis 


Early detection of dementia has a positive impact on patients, their families and society, in that prompt action can be taken to maintain patients’ autonomy and improve their quality of life.


2:30 p.m. / Workshop 4: Preparing to leave your home

Candide Gregoire

Is the person living alone with Alzheimer’s less and less autonomous? Do they need 24/7 supervision? Are their caregivers burning out and CLSC services are no longer enough? We’ll provide you with an overview of the various questions to ask yourselves and the steps to prepare for when transferring a loved one to a residence, care unit or long-term care centre (CHSLD). 


3:30 p.m. / Closing conference

I want to register for the online forum