Memory Café
A Memory Café is a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for people living with any stage of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, their care partners and their community to come together, socialize, learn and have fun.

What is the Memory Café?
A Memory Café is a free monthly program that welcomes people living with all stages of dementia, care partners, friends, family and community members for fun, building connections and learning about living well with dementia.
Led by community volunteers, Memory Cafés are offered in communities throughout New Brunswick.
Each Memory Café is unique and may offer fun activities, guest speakers, entertainment, snacks and resources.
Memory Café Locations
Fredericton Memory Café (English)
3rd Sunday of the month from 2pm-4pm
*Exception: April program is April 13th from 2pm-4pm
January-April 2025
Kennebecasis Valley Memory Café (English)
3rd Sunday of the month from 2pm-4pm
January-June 2025
Miramichi Memory Café (English)
3rd Thursday of the month from 2pm-4pm
February-May 2025
Tracadie Memory Café (French)
3rd Thursday of the month from 2pm-4pm
February-May 2025
Are you interested in volunteering at a Memory Café or starting your own?
To start a new Memory Café, we need a team of at least three volunteers committed to delivering a minimum of three months of the program in their community.
Memory Café committee members typically offer 4-5 hours per month preparing for and presenting their program.
There are lots of opportunities to help with our Memory Cafés, including:
- Joining a Memory Café committee to be involved in all aspects of planning and delivering the program
- Helping out on the day of Memory Cafés, such as setting up or cleaning the space and serving snacks
- Sharing ideas for fun activities, guest speakers or entertainers
- Participating in the program and helping create a friendly and welcoming environment
If you would like to volunteer as a committee member or as a helper, please contact us at 1-800-664-8411 or