All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and the brain.

Caregiver Resolutions

December 15, 2023

Starting in January it is common to come up with a resolution for the year.

Caregiver Resolutions

Happy Holidays

November 24, 2023

This time of year can be a wonderful occasion to connect with others and enjoy family traditions. It can also, at times, be busy and overwhelming for someone who is confused and living with dementia.


Suggestions to Engage in Conversation

September 22, 2023

NOTE: The material in this section, "Some suggestions to engage the person in conversation," has been adapted from the book, Talking to Alzheimer's. Copyright © 2001 by Claudia J. Strauss.


Understanding Delusions & Hallucinations

July 18, 2023

Has the person living with dementia in your care ever believed something that wasn’t true? Like that people are stealing things when it’s really that they are misplacing them or losing them?


Neuroprotective Foods

July 17, 2023

Can eating a specific food or following a particular diet help prevent or delay dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease?

Chopped spinach with kitchen knife on cutting board