Our people

Meet some of the people working to create a kinder, more inclusive and supportive place for people living with dementia and see how you can join our team.

Alzheimer Society Staff and Board Members standing together, smiling, in our Provincial Office.

Provincial Staff 

Chief Executive Officer - CEO
Kaleta Strain[email protected]

Executive Assistant
Marni Hatcher[email protected]

Public Awareness and Communications

Director of Public Awareness and Communications
Leslie Quennell[email protected]

Public Awareness Coordinator
Erica Zarazun, [email protected]

Communications and Marketing Coordinator
Denine Hilderman[email protected]

Programs and Services

Director of Programs and Services
Joanne Michael[email protected]

Client Services Team Manager – Regina and Southern Saskatchewan
Kaylee Elford, kelford@alzheimer.sk.ca

Client Services Team Manager – Saskatoon, Central, and Northern Saskatchewan
Melody Neufeld[email protected]

Program Manager
Heather Dash, [email protected]

Dementia Helpline Coordinator
Shaelyn Serron and Robin Reade[email protected]  

Support Coordinator
Deb Lesyk[email protected]  

Program Assistant
Carlie Judge[email protected]

Finance and Administration

Director of Finance
Twila Drimmie, [email protected]

Office Manager
Laura Haider, [email protected]

Payroll and Benefits Coordinator
Lacy Long, [email protected]

Regina Provincial Office Assistant
Sharon Tataryn, [email protected]

Saskatoon Office Assistant
Emmanuella Eyo, [email protected]

Revenue Development

Director of Revenue Development
Maureen Harrison, [email protected]

Manager of Major and Planned Gifts 
Rebecca Snider[email protected]

Revenue Development Coordinator
Becky Quist, [email protected]

Revenue Development Coordinator
Brooke Smith, [email protected] 

Revenue Development Assistant
Nicole Donison, [email protected] 

Provincial Resource Centres

Regina Qu'Appelle Resource Centre

Serving Regina, Moosomin, and surrounding areas
Phone: 306-949-4141

First Link Coordinators:                                                             

Vacant - [email protected]

Peta Gay Watson-Jones - [email protected]

Saskatoon Resource Centre

Serving Saskatoon, Humboldt, and surrounding areas
Phone: 306-683-6322

First Link Coordinators:                                                                 

Connie Snider[email protected]

Camille Tyler 
[email protected] 

Cypress Resource Centre                                           

Serving Swift Current and Southwest Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-673-2685 / Email: [email protected]

First Link Coordinator: Stacie Noble-Wiebe

Prairie North Resource Centre

Serving Battlefords and Northwest Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-445-2206 / Email: [email protected]

First Link Coordinator: Judy Der 

Prince Albert Parkland Resource Centre

Serving Prince Albert and Northeast Saskatchewan 
Phone: 306-922-2296 / Email: [email protected]

First Link Coordinator: Laura Erickson-Lumb

Sunrise Resource Centre 

Serving Yorkton and East-central Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-786-3600 / Email: [email protected]

First Link Coordinator: Carolee Zorn 

Sun Country Resource Centre

Serving Estevan, Weyburn, and Southeast Saskatchewan  
Phone: 306-634-4002 / Email: [email protected]

First Link Coordinator: Lori Tulloch