Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan
We understand that rural communities present their own unique challenges and opportunities when addressing the issue of dementia. The project is offering a window of opportunity to greatly expand our knowledge and understanding of how to engage rural communities to be more dementia friendly
Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan
The Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan project is offering the Alzheimer Society an opportunity to better understand how to create dementia friendly organizations in rural communities.
Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan is a five year project focusing on improving the quality of life of people living with dementia and their care partners in rural Saskatchewan. The project is based in Yorkton, Melville and the surrounding rural communities. The project is led by the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU) at the University of Regina and funded by the Government of Canada.
The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan is participating as a collaborating organization in the project.
Community Changes Everything
We understand that rural communities present their own unique challenges and opportunities when addressing the issue of dementia. The project is offering a window of opportunity to greatly expand our knowledge and understanding.
Over 60% of people with dementia live in the community and they want to stay active participating members of their communities. That is difficult to do when they face the stigma and prejudice around dementia.
The Alzheimer Society will be a catalyst in finding local solutions that will make the rural communities in the project area more accessible and inclusive for people living with dementia and their care partners by changing people’s understanding about the disease and the importance of being dementia friendly on both an individual and organizational level.
We are hoping to engage organizations, whether they be large scale enterprises, a municipality, the local pharmacy or the a faith group seeking to ensure that all its member still have a relevant and meaningful place in their community of choice.
Our goal is to to help facilitate the efforts of these organizations to create dementia friendly capacity and capabilities that make sense for them. Changes and practices that are meaningful and sustainable over time and align with their organizational capacity and values
You can learn more about dementia and what dementia friendly means for you and
your community and the project by contacting
Jackie Hofstrand
Dementia Community Coordinator - Yorkton and Area
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan
[email protected]
Phone (306) 783-6606
Local Communities Finding Local Solutions
Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan will invest in local solutions created by partners in the Yorkton and surrounding rural communities to make our communities more accessible and inclusive for people living with dementia and their care partners.
Learn more about the overall project visit
Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU)