Building Knowledge and Community


Learn more about our Dementia Friendly Initiatives in Melville, including an upcoming public presentation.

A group of women laughing together after an outdoor yoga class.

On Monday, July 18th, join us in Melville for a public learning opportunity to learn about the warning signs of dementia:

ABC’s of Dementia Presentation

J.K. Reynolds Auditorium – Melville Community Works Building

800 Prince Edward Street, Melville, SK

6:30pm Local time

Open to the general public

Dementia can cause changes in abilities, behaviour and communication that affect an individual’s daily life. These changes – the ABC’s of Dementia – include, but are not limited to, memory loss, disorientation in time and space, and loss of initiative. Learning more about these 10 evidence-based warning signs can help you recognize them, should you notice changes in yourself or someone you know.

This presentation is offered as part of the Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan Project.

City of Melville - Dementia Education Day 

Seven out of ten people know someone who lives with dementia. The City of Melville is taking action to help support those in the community who are affected by the disease.

Earlier this month, our Dementia Community Coordinator was invited to share information and resources with representatives from the City of Melville’s City Hall and Community Service Department. Our Dementia Community Coordinator spoke about the importance of creating dementia friendly spaces and communities for people living with dementia and their care partners.

Some of the attendees were surprised to learn that 60% of people living with dementia live in their homes in their community and noted how the common assumption is that most people with dementia live in care facilities. The learning session helped facilitate conversation around how the City of Melville staff can implement dementia friendly considerations into their community programming and various work areas. The staff shared that they now feel more prepared to address stigma against dementia, should they encounter it in their interactions moving forward.

“Thanks [to the presentation], I now feel better able and confident in approaching someone who may seem lost or confused if I see them in our arena.”  

-Community Service Staff, City of Melville 

The City of Melville Leadership Team plans to share our dementia friendly resources with a third department of theirs this summer to ensure more employees can increase their knowledge of how to support community members who live with dementia. We thank City of Melville employees for their local leadership and recognize their investment in creating more inclusive and accessible options for people affected by dementia in their area.

For more information about the upcoming ABC’s of Dementia presentation on July 18th, or to learn how you can get involved in the Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan project, please contact:

Jackie Hofstrand

Dementia Community Coordinator

Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan

(306) 783-6606

[email protected]


Related Links: 

Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan is led by the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU) at the University of Regina and is funded by the Government of Canada.

SPHERU Project Logos