Prioritizing New Research Projects


Ken Lee is one of the key holders helping us unlock dementia research. His family’s personal experience with dementia drives his dedication to advancing research.

Two people standing in front of an Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan banner. The person on the right is holding a framed award.

Ken Lee has been a dedicated supporter of the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, with a special focus on dementia research. Following the loss of his wife, Marlene, to dementia in 2016, Ken's personal experience has deepened his commitment to advancing research.

Ken believes that continued research can provide crucial answers and hope for a better future for those affected by dementia.

Ken has a particular interest in biomedical research and has made significant contributions to help advance this area of research. He has funded six proof-of-concept grants through the Alzheimer Society Research Program. These grants support both established and new investigators with innovative, high-risk projects that prioritize new ideas over existing ones.

Ken Lee and his family are standing in front of an Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan banner. Ken is holding his Corporate Leadership Award.
Ken Lee (center) with his family at the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan’s 2022 Annual General Meeting. Ken’s company, KLM Ventures, received the Society’s 2021-2022 Corporate Leadership Award.

Ken Lee has contributed $994,490 towards unlocking dementia research.

Your support is key to unlocking important dementia research.

Please donate to the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan today.