#SeePainMoreClearly social media campaign launched

The Centre on Aging and Health at the University of Regina has launched a social media campaign to increase awareness of the underassessment and undermanagement of pain in dementia called #SeePainMoreClearly.
A heartbreaking situation occurs in long term care for residents with advanced dementia, like Alzheimer’s disease, who are unable to tell us they have pain.
Persistent pain can go untreated.
Funded by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation and the Saskatchewan Centre of Patient Oriented Research and in partnership with national and provincial organizations: AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence, Canadian Association of Gerontology, and the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, health care personnel, patients and family, researchers and health care administrators; we have launched an international social media campaign #SeePainMoreClearly to increase awareness of the underassessment and undermanagement of pain in dementia by disseminating evidence-based findings and practices.
The success and impact of their effort will be tracked systematically through questionnaires and other indicators such as video views, hashtag mentions, media stories, social reach, and other related information.
To ensure that people affected by dementia, their friends and families, caregivers and health professionals are familiar with the problem of pain undertreatment and its dire consequences for this population. We also want to familiarize health professionals and policymakers with cutting edge evidence-based solutions.
Contact: Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Ph.D. - Professor, Department of Psychology,
University of Regina; Research Chair in Aging and Health
Email : [email protected]
Website: https://www.seepainmoreclearly.org