Your Accessibility Insights Are Needed
A look at improving accessibility for people living with dementia in Saskatchewan.

Accessibility & Dementia
A dementia friendly community is one where support, inclusion, and accessibility make it possible for people affected by dementia – including individuals living with it and their care partners - to live well.
In 2020, the Government of Saskatchewan began to develop provincial Accessibility Legislation, including an Act and associated regulations that will create enforceable standards to identify, remove and prevent accessibility barriers that affect participation in communities. At the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, we have a plan to contribute information to the development process from a dementia friendly perspective.
While dementia friendly considerations may offer universal benefit to individuals living with many different disabilities, other physical accessibility considerations alone may not adequately recognize or incorporate supports for the experience of individuals affected by dementia and their care partners.
Awareness of dementia and associated dementia friendly considerations will be crucial to ensuring the provincial Accessibility Legislation Act and associated regulations are suitable, reliable, and effective for all Saskatchewan residents - now and into the future.
Contributing to Legislation
There is a strong link to the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan’s dementia friendly initiatives in the Government of Saskatchewan’s Accessibility Legislation development process. This is an important opportunity to emphasize dementia awareness and dementia friendly considerations at the policy level.
As the Government of Saskatchewan’s process continues, our next steps will be to prepare information to share about dementia friendly considerations that relate to the Accessibility Legislation’s identified key areas.
We will do so by:
- Utilizing surveys to learn about local perspectives and examples which can inform considerations and conversations about how dementia affects accessibility,
- Drawing on dementia friendly communities experience from our provincial efforts, as well as our national partners and the extensive global literature available on dementia friendly communities to create an Information Package for the policy makers involved in this process,
- Emphasizing the existing resources and evidence-based information about dementia and dementia friendliness that is already available to support the Legislation needs.
Complete the Survey
Your participation on our survey will help us to learn about the experience of people affected by dementia and accessibility in Saskatchewan. This information will be valuable as we complete our next steps advocating for dementia friendly considerations in this Legislation development process.
Our Accessibility Survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated.