Others Before Self Award
Each year at the World Alzheimer Day Breakfast, the Alzheimer Society of Windsor and Essex County (ASWE) gives out one of two awards. The Others Before Self Award or the Generosity of Spirit Award.

The Others Before Self Award has been established to recognize and honour individuals and organizations that have demonstrated leadership in advancing our cause and improving the quality of life of persons affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in Windsor & Essex County.
Nomination Criteria
This award will be presented to the chosen individual or organization that has demonstrated one or more of the following characteristics:
- Positive Contributions
- Volunteers time to programs
- Offers support to clients and caregivers
- Assists and actively participates in fundraising event (s)
- Education
- Encourages continued education of caregivers and clients
- Supports continued education of health care professionals
- Promotes the education of dementias and medical advancements
- Society Awareness
- Encourages others to seek assistance
- Promotes ASWE services
- Advocates on behalf of persons affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
- Caregiving
- Provides exceptional personal caregiving
- Delivers exceptional professional caregiving
- Conveys hope while demonstrating a positive attitude towards life with dementia
NOTE: Current Board Members, Associated Positions / Committee Members, and ASWE Staff are NOT eligible recipients of this award.
Past award recipients include:
2004- Mr. Robert Holden
2005- Dr. Ciaran Sheehan
2006- Mr. John Fairley, Ms. Dee Dee DeSantis, Ms. Norma Pauwels & Mr. Bob Turpin
2007- Mr. David Booth & Mrs. Ruth Booth
2008- Mrs. Claudette Burgess
2009- Royal Oak Long-Term Care Centre
2010- Mr. Tom Noble
2011- Mr. Rick Reaume
2012- Mr. Bryon Gero
2013- Mr. Robert Davis
2014- RBC Dominion Securities
2016- St. Clair College
2018- Mrs. Judy Jenner
2020- Ms. Dena Peifer
2022- Dr. Shelia Horen
2024- Don Learn
This award will be presented at the World Alzheimer’s Day Breakfast held annually in the month of September, see our event calendar for updates and additional information.