Matching Gift Campaign

Getting a day off to take a break to rest and relax is a common luxury for many people. For families who are living with dementia there is no day off from dementia. But with the help from their community, families living with dementia can get a much needed break.

Double your donation during our Matching Gift Campaign, donate between June 25 to September 20 and Ground Effects Limited will match your donation up to $60,000.

Up to $60,000 in donations will be matched through the generosity of our long-time supporters Ground Effects LTD for all donations made between June 25 to September 20. 

These gifts contribute to vital supports and learning opportunities, which help people living with the disease live the best life possible. 



Help Support the Alzheimer Society of Windsor & Essex County.

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One million Canadians will be diagnosed in the next decade. They need your help.

Don Martel: Around The World Cycle Tour

Don Martel's epic cycle tour around the world first began on Monday, July 1st, 2024. Stay tuned for updates as he makes his way around the globe to raise awareness and funds for people living with dementia.

Learn more
 Don Martel: Around The World Cycle Tour 2024