CBC News: Fidget Aprons
Windsor-Essex County
CBC's Jennifer La Grassa speaks with a local resident who started the Windsor-Essex Fidget Makers. The volunteer group is using donated materials to make fidget aprons for people with dementia.

These Windsorites are donating their time to help people with dementia
Donations of supplies like ribbons, buttons, zippers, etc. can be made at the following locations:
- Essex County Library - Tecumseh Branch - 13675 St. Gregory's Rd, Tecumseh
- Windsor Public Library - Riverside Branch - 6305 Wyandotte St. E., Windsor
If you would like more information on the project, contact Pam at the following email address: windessexfidgetmaker@gmail.com.
If you are interested in volunteering to support this project, please sign up here.