Dementia Resources for Teachers
The Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward Island remains passionate to find resources for teachers to assist in introducing the topic of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, to elementary-aged students.

A Resource for Teachers: Learning About Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
Resource for Teachers
JC Sulzenko’s play, “What My Grandma Means to Say” first premiered at the Ottawa International Writers Fall Festival in 2009, and has been performed in many schools and communities since. This play was then adapted by Sulzenko into a storybook for children, used to teach children about dementia and how to support someone living with this disease.
The Alzheimer Society of PEI remained passionate to find the resource for teachers to assist in introducing the topic of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, to elementary-aged students. In 2016, we reached out to JC Sulzenko and accessed her resource package for teachers which is based on her one-act play and storybook, “What My Grandma Means to Say.” The Teaching Resource, comprised of the play script, storybook adaptation, and discussion guide is available in 37 Elementary English school libraries for grades 4 to 6 students which have a reach of 9,640 students.
In consultation with the Public School Board of PEI, we remain passionate to see this resource utilized. Special Thanks to our partnership with the Public School Board Team of Parker Grimmer, Derek McEwen, and Maribeth Rogers.