Stories of hope: Jan
When her husband was diagnosed with dementia at a young age, Jan didn't know what to do. After getting in contact with the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick, though, that would soon change. Read Jan's story below.

Jan and Elliott.
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Hello, my name is Jan. A little over a year ago, I noticed some things about my husband, Elliot, that seemed off. As a long haul driver of 43 years and 4.3 million miles under his belt, I was concerned. We went to see the doctor, who put Elliot off work with depression. It wasn’t until this past summer, with some pushing, that we got a diagnosis of early onset dementia.
I heard about the support and resources offered by the Alzheimer Society from one of my customers at work. The day we met Beth McCormack from the Society changed our lives.
Not only is she a wonderful lady, but a wealth of knowledge. At one of the Alzheimer Journey First Steps educational sessions, she told us that a new geriatric specialist would be setting up an aging clinic at our hospital. I contacted our family doctor to get a referral and saw the specialist within two weeks. It was at this appointment that we received a new, more specific diagnosis of mixed/vascular dementia.
The programs offered by the Alzheimer Society have really helped me. The Alzheimer Journey First Steps educational sessions empowered me to ask the right questions when talking with health care professionals and the Caregiver Support Network has provided me with an outlet to openly discuss my frustrations and talk about my fears of what the future will hold.
Dementia has changed our lives in a not so good way, but the Alzheimer Society has enriched us beyond words. Thanks for all you do!