All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and the brain.

Living her legacy

September 18, 2020

“Anyone who has been through this experience knows the vast need for research,” says Mrs. Pauline Spatz. This spritely octogenarian has become a consistent and loyal contributor to Alzheimer’s research. “You don’t need to have a lot. You simply need to make it happen.”

Albert and Pauline Spatz

Stories of hope: Jan

New Brunswick
June 22, 2020

When her husband was diagnosed with dementia at a young age, Jan didn't know what to do. After getting in contact with the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick, though, that would soon change. Read Jan's story below.

Jan and Elliott

Stories of hope: Angela

New Brunswick
August 9, 2019

Angela's step-father, Billie, lived with early onset Alzheimer's disease. Despite his early diagnosis, Billie continued to show a positive outlook. Read Angela's story below.

Angela and her family., including her father, Billie

Stories of hope: Sherry

New Brunswick
May 1, 2019

In this story, Sherry remembers her father, "Papa Maston", the challenges he faced with his memory decline, and emphasizes the need for well-supported dementia care in New Brunswick. Read Sherry's story below.


Stories of hope: Jane

New Brunswick
August 9, 2018

Jane's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2015. The journey has been challenging, but she can count on the help and support of family, caregivers, healthcare providers and the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick. Read Jane's story below.

Jane Nastasiuk and her mother

Stories of hope: Beth

New Brunswick
August 9, 2018

When Beth brought her parents to live with her, she started to notice some changes – not just in her father, who was diagnosed with a form of frontotemporal dementia, but in her mother too. Read Beth's story below.

Beth Jordan's family

Stories of hope: Belva

New Brunswick
August 9, 2018

When Belva's father was diagnosed with dementia, she decided she would figure out a way to support him so he could continue to have a high quality of life. Read Belva's story below.

Bevla Brown's dad Alvin