Programs and Services
We offer a variety of programs and services for persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, their family and friends, professionals, and the community.

Contact your local office to learn more or explore the rest of the website for additional educational information.
First Link Navigation
Our First Link Care Navigators provide a direct connection to a wide variety of services and supports offered through the Alzheimer Society and within the community. Learn more about our First Link Navigation Program HERE. View the First Link referral form for ASHPE HERE . Self referrals encouraged!
Information & Education
We are committed to offering education to people living with dementia and their care partners. Education is also available to professionals and the general public. Below are some upcoming free learning opportunities happening virtually!
First Link Learning Series
The First Link Learning Series offers a comprehensive overview of dementia, coping strategies, resources and support systems. Throughout the series participants are offered the opportunity to share and connect with others embarking on the dementia journey. Contact us to be notified up upcoming sessions!
First Link – First Steps for Care Partners
This course of the First Link Learning Series provides an introduction to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and is intended for the care partners, family members and friends of individuals with dementia. Topics covered include: types of dementia, changes in the brain, coping strategies, planning for the future, managing risks and community resources.
First Link – Care Essentials
This course for family caregivers and care partners other problem solving strategies related to communication, responsive behaviours, caregiver burnout and expected changes in mid-stage progression of the illness.
First Link – Options for Care
This course for family caregivers and care partners assists the participants to evaluate their current caregiving needs and explore other available care options, including in-home care, adult day programs and long-term care.
First Link – Care in the Later Stages
This course helps family caregivers and care partners understand what to expect in the later stages of dementia. This module will also explore how participants can provide comfort to the person as well as review the experiences of grief and loss.
Contact us to be notified up upcoming sessions!
U-First for Care Partners Course
U-First!® for Care Partners is a new education program for family and friends who are providing direct support to someone experiencing behaviour changes as a result of dementia or other cognitive impairment. This 6 hour (three x 2 hour sessions) education program will help you to:
- Enhance well-being of care partners and of the person they are supporting who is experiencing behaviour changes
- Reduce responsive behaviours by using the U-First!® framework
- Improve collaboration among all team members through a common knowledge, language and approach to care.
Who Should Attend? U-First!® for Care Partners is for family and friends of people experiencing behaviour changes as a result of dementia or other cognitive impairment who provide direct support for that person in an unpaid role.
What’s involved in the program? Interactive learning approach that has participants reflect on their experiences, engage with new content, practice using a variety of methods including case studies and plan for how they will implement what they have learned. Learners receive a Participant Workbook and a U-First!® Wheel to use during the program and keep as useful resources for applying their learning.
Contact us to register or learn more.
U-First for Professionals Course
To find out about upcoming U-First for Professionals Courses, or find our about professional training for your organization please contact our team today!
Individual & Family Support
Connect with an Education and Support Coordinator to receive support working through individual situations as well as individual/group education sessions. Our team can also provide resources, handouts, and information on specialized programming available.
Social and Support Programs
Check out Virtual support and social program options including Memory café, Minds in Motion, and Support Groups. Contact our team to register and find out what groups and opportunities are best for you, and to find out the current status of your group.
(All groups are either by Zoom or phone at this time).
Memory Cafe Events:
By attending a Memory Café event by Zoom or calling in, people living with memory loss and those who care about them can come together and socialize in a safe and engaging environment.
Support Groups:
Join us for support groups to connect with peers, gain knowledge and strategies to manage challenges, and to develop a social network of support. Contact us to help find the groups for you! We host a number of specialized programs throughout the region including but not limited to:
- Caregiver Support Groups
- Spousal Support Groups
- Women's Caregiver Support Groups
- Men's Caregiver Support Groups
- Evening Caregiver Support Groups
- Caregivers of Parents Support Groups
- Couples Support Groups
- Community specific support groups
Public Awareness
Our team is dedicated to educating the public and removing the stigma associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Each year we host 100+ education sessions and information booths in the community. For more information, please contact Public Education Coordinator Jeniece Renaud at
Stay Connected
Sign up for our Monthly E-Newsletter (Opt out any time) HERE
Thank You To Our Supporters
Did you know our local Alzheimer Society is only 40% funded by the Ministry of Health? This means ASHPE relies on donations, grants, and community support to continue providing our services. Thank you to all supporters who allow us to continue our special programs and services!

Support for Prince Edward County Area Social Recreation programming, including our In-Home Activation program made possible with support from The Huff Family Fund (2023-2024).

In Home Activation
This new program provides social and physical recreation to persons living with dementia who are living at home!