First Link®

First Link® is a program that gives persons with dementia, their care partners and family a direct connection to a wide variety of services and supports offered through the Alzheimer Society and within the community.

First Link Logo

View the referral form. 

To learn more about the Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward First Link program, contact our First Link Care Navigator at

  • Mailing Address: 470 Dundas Street East, Bay View Mall, Unit 63, Belleville, ON K8N 1G1

About First Link®

First Link® is a program that gives persons with dementia, their care partners and family a direct connection to a wide variety of services and supports offered through the Alzheimer Society and within the community.

First Link, endorsed by the medical community, is based on the Canadian Consensus Guidelines on Dementia, developed by 45 medical experts. Those experts recommend primary care providers use First Link as a support for patients and families affected by dementia.

First Link has decreased the average time between diagnosis and referral to local Societies from 18 to 7 months. That’s important because the sooner your patient gets help, the more control they have over their illness.

An analysis of referrals to local Societies’ First Link programs showed 65 per cent of patients were referred by health care providers, while 35 per cent referred themselves.

First Link brings together the Alzheimer Societies in Ontario, primary care physicians and other health professionals to provide services and treatment to people with dementia – from diagnosis to end of life.

Why use First Link®?

Presenting a diagnosis of dementia to a patient is never easy. They may be bewildered and distressed about the challenges ahead, and unsure about how to navigate the health system.

Families are often too overwhelmed to pick up the phone and ask for help. When you refer them to First Link, we call them, connecting them to the information and resources they need to make informed choices.

First Link gets them the help they need right away, averting possible crises and helping them meet challenges as they come up. That translates into fewer emergency room visits and lets caregivers keep family members with dementia at home as long as possible.

What exactly can First Link® do for you?

Quickly connects you to programs and services at the Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward, including:

  • One-on-one and family counselling and support groups
    • Tips for navigating the health system to get the care they need
    • Four-part learning series of workshops tailor-made for families at various stages of the illness. Topics include practical information about the disease and daily living, positive approaches to care, strategies for challenges and how to prepare for the end of life. Learn more here
  • Links you to other health and social service providers in the community
  • Help you find resources to manage issues such as decision-making, adjusting to the loss of a driver’s licence, financial planning, power of attorney and long-term care placement


What health care providers are saying about First Link®

“As a family physician that cares for individuals with a multitude of chronic diseases, I welcome any help I can access to assist my patients and their families. In these days of limited resources, other professionals often have more time and information to share with the public than I have, as I juggle the demands generated by caring for an aging population.”

“As a health care professional, First Link provides a much needed and valued service. Receiving a diagnosis of any kind of cognitive change can be very difficult for clients and their families. Having First Link to refer them to, I am confident that they are going to get timely advice and support not only at the point of diagnosis but as their disease, circumstances and needs change.”

First Link®… your first step to living well with dementia

More useful links and resources

This online referral form can be used by anyone to refer someone to the First Link Program