Our history
The Alzheimer Society of York Region has been supporting people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias since 1985. This page will help you learn about AS York's more than a quarter century of service growth and innovation.

The Aurora location is the head office of the Alzheimer Society of York Region.
- The Alzheimer Society of York Region continues to grow its partnerships, announcing a partnership with Mon Sheong Foundation to bring dementia-specific programming to the Chinese community.
- Actively work with two Ontario Health Teams (OHT), the Eastern York Region North Durham OHT and the Western York Region OHT.
- All specific cognitively impaired D.A.Y. centre programming in York Region involves the support and participation of AS York.
- Opened satellite office in Vaughan with the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
- Expands programming by acquiring funding for First Link®. A First Link Navigator comes to Georgina in 2018.
- Our flagship centre in Newmarket re-locates to Aurora in 2014, allowing AS York to serve more clients and their families.
- In 2014, Dr. Allan Carswell and the Carswell Family Foundation donates $600,000 over three years. In 2019, he makes another gift, opening 10 additional D.A.Y. centre spots and creating another three-year matching program.
- The third day of programming was added to Parkview Village in Stouffville. The Aurora DAY program is now open seven days a week, while the Thornhill location is open six days a week.
- We now offer The Cyril and Dorothy Joel and Jill Reitman Centre CARERS Program, an eight-week program for people caring for spouses with dementia.
- The Canada Qmetum Accreditation program awarded AS York Exemplary Standing under Accreditation in 2017.
- Our society has co-lead the Central LHIN Dementia Strategy to provide better care for people living with dementia and more supports of caregivers at the community level.
- Along with Collaborative Aging, our society has released The Caregiver Support Framework, a 10-page document aimed at providing information to support caregivers.
- Alzheimer Society of York Region purchased two new vans to transport clients to the Thornhill and Aurora D.A.Y. program with funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
- Our society and Reena, a non-profit organization that promotes independence and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities, developed and delivered customized training to address Aging with a Developmental Disability to people and healthcare providers across the province.
- The Music Project, which provides those living with dementia an MP3 player and customized playlist, is now in York Region thanks to individual donors and grants.
- Opened satellite office in Georgina with support from the United Way of York Region
- Established the first DAY Centre in Whitchurch-Stouffville with support from the Central Local Health Integration Network (CLHIN).
- Through the support of the Central LHIN Aging at Home initiative, AS York establishes new partnerships with other service organizations that expand dementia programming and increase the number of clients accessing services across the Region.
- Commissioned Best Practices in Quality Dementia Care Report.
- Formed integrated partnerships with Regional Municipality of York and York Central Hospital to work with our Caregiver Support and Education Program for their new cognitively-impaired programs in Vaughan (Maple Health Centre), Georgina (Keswick Gardens) and Richmond Hill.
- Expanded service delivery at existing AS York D.A.Y. centres.
- The Alzheimer Society York Region founded by family caregivers and health-care professionals involved with Alzheimer's disease
- Thornhill DAY Centre opens and becomes the first cognitively impaired D.A.Y. program in York Region
- Established Outreach Program (forerunner to Caregiver Support and Education Program)