All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer's disease, dementia and the brain.

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

York Region
January 20, 2025

Newmarket’s Jane Kennedy has three pieces of advice for people who are looking after someone living with Alzheimer’s disease: Get support as soon as you can; stay informed about how the disease progresses; and adjust to those changes as they happen.

Newmarket’s Jane Kennedy and her family cared for Jane’s mom

Important Notice

York Region
November 15, 2024

Due to the ongoing labour action at Canada Post, some of our services may be affected.

During the Canada Post Strike action: Make your donation securely online, access digital resources on our website, stay connected by signing up for our eNewsletter.

Oakridge Fashions Giving Shop for Alz

York Region
October 14, 2024

AS York is thrilled to have been chosen as a 2024 charitable recipient of The Giving Shop at Oakridge Fashions. This holiday, you can find great items for everyone on your list, shop local and support local charities like the Alzheimer Society of York Region by visiting The Giving Shop.

The Giving Shop at Oakridges Fashions