Celebrating 25 years at AS York: Franca Contardo

York Region

Much has changed since Franca Contardo started working at the Alzheimer Society of York Region (AS York) 25 years ago.

Franca Contardo

Much has changed since Franca Contardo started working at the Alzheimer Society of York Region (AS York) 25 years ago.

AS York “was much smaller. I took a position in our Thornhill DAY program, just after the second DAY program opened up in Newmarket. We were just starting to expand.”

AS York now has three DAY programs: at the Aurora head office, in Thornhill and in Stouffville, providing cognitive stimulation for those living with dementia and respite for their caregivers.

AS York’s clients and the perception of dementia has also changed, said Franca.

“Clients themselves want to be more educated about the progression of dementia,” Franca said, while people in general have more understanding about the fatal disease.

I do think there is less stigma attached to it, hopefully allowing people to talk about it more openly. With initiatives like Dementia Friendly Communities, we will be able to bring even more awareness to our community about how to create a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment. There is also more support, resources and understanding for care partners available.”

Franca applied to AS York shortly after graduating from Seneca College’s Social Service Worker-Gerontology program. She knew she wanted to work with older adults and after completing a field placement at a stroke survivor DAY program, she knew she wanted to work in that type of environment.

“I loved the idea of a DAY program and how it could impact the person’s well-being, making a difference in their life,” Franca said. “At the time, I didn’t realize how much it benefitted the life of the caregiver as well, giving them the necessary respite.”

Franca has worked as a program worker and manager at all three AS York DAY programs. When she first started, program workers also did kitchen duties and was the afternoon van driver, returning clients to their homes after the program ended.

“I will never ever forget the first clients I met and worked with. I learned so much from them, and about dementia.” 

As the senior program manager, Franca oversees all three of the DAY programs.

AS York, she said, is here for York Region residents impacted by dementia.

“Reach out if you have any questions or need support.  Over the years, AS York has grown substantially to provide a variety of services across the region—not just DAY programming but support groups, education sessions and community programming such as Minds in Motion.”

More than 17,000 York Region residents are living with dementia, a number that is expected to double by 2033.

AS York is important partner in the community because it raises awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and offers support to both people living with dementia and their care partners, Franca said. It also helps create dementia-friendly spaces.

“A supportive community is crucial.”

Congratulations, Franca, on 25 years at AS York. Thank you for everything you do to support York Region residents living with dementia.