Selena Costabile hosts golf tourney
Pro golfer Selena Costabile hosts a golf tournament in honour of her grandmother who lives with dementia and in support of programs and services including the DAY program and music offered by the Alzheimer Society of York Region.

Selena Costabile, right, stands with her grandmother Gioulizar Smoian, who lives with dementia.
As a caregiver for her grandmother Gioulizar Smoian, who lives with dementia, pro golfer Selena Costabile understands the value of programs and services offered by the Alzheimer's Society of York Region (AS York).
“The programs that AS York have, such as the DAY programs and music program, are so important to (people living with dementia) and caregivers. DAY programs with stimulating activities help people with dementia and Alzheimer’s live a fulfilling life. My grandma uses music therapy and ..the opportunity to reminisce about old songs helps bring back family memories. I have seen the importance of these types of activities for my grandma.”
The Thornhill resident came up with the idea of a sponsored fundraising golf tournament in December, but with COVID-19 still going strong in the summer, she cancelled it.
“But this past month, I decided I still wanted to make a contribution and limited the field to 32 players.”
The golf tournament, called Selena's Memories for Alzheimer's, takes place Oct. 14 at Wooden Sticks in Uxbridge, will feature the top pros in Ontario. The format is one pro, one amateur team. The top pro on the Toronto Players Tour money list, Brendan Leonard is playing.
Costabile herself played in the Toronto Players Tour this season. The Toronto Players Tour is run by a former professional golfer, Russell Budd.
“This tour is primarily men, and on a given day has about 25 to 40 male players and only one to two females in the field. This year I have won a tournament against a full field of guys on the Toronto Players Tour, and shot -9 to win,” said Costabile, who usually tours throughout the U.S., but because of mandatory quarantine in both countries stayed in Ontario this year.
The tournament is just about sold out, but Costabile said she hopes people will donate to AS York to help fund programs and services to help York Region residents impacted by dementia. She also said the golf tournament helps raise awareness about people impacted by dementia like her grandmother.
“Awareness is important to increase support and action.”
For details, connect with Costabile on Instagram at @selenamemsforalz
To donate to Selena's Memories for Alzheimer's click here.
Writer's Note: The first annual Selena's Memories for Alzheimer's raised $1,479.48. Chris Wilson won the pro division and Brendan Leonard and Simon Reyers and Mike Gonko and Norman Kalyniuk won the Pro Am. Thank you everyone who participated and raised money for York Region residents impacted by dementia.
For details, connect with Costabile on Instagram at @selenamemsforalz or via email at [email protected]