Learning about dementia can make a significant difference in daily living. Understanding the disease is the first step in developing strategies to keep everyone affected by dementia engaged and living well.

Education Sessions
We offer in-person and virtual learning opportunities for those living with dementia, care partners, healthcare providers, and the general public. Families and friends of individuals living with dementia can participate in these sessions to learn how to better relate and connect.
Care Partners, Families & Friends
Understanding the disease is the first step in developing strategies to keep the person with dementia engaged and living well. This includes learning about the type of dementia, symptoms, and strategies to navigate daily life.
Please refer to our Upcoming Events below for upcoming dementia workshops.
Healthcare Providers, Retirement Residences & Other Businesses
The Alzheimer Society of Cornwall & District works closely with organizations to help them provide better dementia care. Our Dementia Friendly training helps your team understand the everyday experiences of people living with dementia, so they can better accommodate their needs and help them live well in the community.
Interested in Dementia Friendly Training? Email our Education Coordinator at
Our website is filled with information to better educate you on all things dementia.