We're here to help.
What information are you looking for?
Support Groups
Led by an experienced facilitator, groups of individuals living with dementia and/or care partners gather monthly in small groups to receive education, learn from other's experiences, and not feel alone. Offered in-person and virtually in both French and English.

Learning about dementia can make a significant difference in daily living. Understanding the disease is the first step in developing strategies to keep everyone affected by dementia engaged and living well.

First Link® Care Navigation
Get support in a way that works for you. Our First Link® Care Navigators work with individuals, care partners and families to make informed decisions and live better throughout the journey.

Project Lifesaver
The Alzheimer Society Cornwall and District launched Project Lifesaver in 2023. Local partnering police departments use Project Lifesaver locating technology to assist in the search and rescue efforts for those who wander and get lost.

Fundraise and Participate
Join us for a fundraising event and help make a difference in the lives of people living with dementia and their care partners. All proceeds go to support local programs and services offered by the Alzheimer Society of Cornwall & District.

Minds in Motion®
Improve your physical and mental health while building a stronger social network with fellow participants.