Tele-Care Program

The Tele-Care Program is a phone based Meaningful Visits program supported by trained volunteers who make phone calls to clients on a pre-determined schedule.

Woman wearing a headset and smiling.

Our Coordinator of Volunteer Programs is always available to answer any questions you may have.


Phone: 905-687-3914 ext. 544

Purpose of the Program

  • To decrease isolation of individuals living with dementia and care partners in the community
  • To provide some much needed personal time for care partners
  • To share information on Alzheimer Society programs, services and educational opportunities
  • To provide more timely access to services at the Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region
  • To increase social interactions of individuals living with dementia and care partners

Program Criteria

  • An individual living with dementia in the community who is connected to an Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region Family Support Counsellor
  • A care partner of someone living with dementia in the community who is connected to an Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region Family Support Counsellor
  • An individual who demonstrates a decrease in social involvement and engagement
  • An individual who would benefit from increased social contact by phone

Volunteer Opportunities

Looking to become a volunteer for the Tele-Care Program? Click here to learn more and apply!