Dementia Friendly Communities
A Dementia Friendly Community is a place where people living with dementia are understood, respected and supported; an environment where people living with dementia will be confident that they can contribute to community life.

People with dementia and their care partners have the right to live well in the community and together we can create a Dementia Friendly Cornwall. Make your community dementia friendly
What is a dementia friendly community?
A Dementia Friendly Community is a place where people living with dementia are understood, respected and supported; an environment where people living with dementia will be confident that they can contribute to community life. In a Dementia Friendly Community, people will be aware of and understand dementia, and people living with dementia will be included and have choice and control over their day-to-day lives and level of engagement.
How Can We Include People With Dementia in Our Community? from Sabina Brennan on Vimeo.
Supporting people living with dementia
More people are diagnosed with dementia every year and choose to live at home in their community throughout their dementia journey. How can we better support people with dementia to live well? How can people living with dementia be leaders in building Dementia Friendly Communities™?
People with dementia and their care partners have the right to live well in the community and together we can create a Dementia Friendly Cornwall. Make your community dementia friendly
Dementia Friendly Communities is gaining momentum across the globe and thousands of Ontarians are joining the Alzheimer Society in showing their support for people with dementia and their care partners!