Media Releases
Find the Alzheimer Society of Ontario's past and current media releases.

- Jul 30, 2020: Residents, care partners, families rightly expect action on long-term care, says Alzheimer Society
- May 7, 2020: IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s will unite Canadians online this year
- May 26, 2020: Observations in Armed Forces report disturbing, inhuman but not new says Alzheimer Society of Ontario
- March 18, 2020: Innovative care delivery, continuity of funding vital to provide stability
- Sep 28, 2020: Community Support Providers Vital to Keeping Ontarians out of Hospital, Long-Term Care
- September 11, 2020: Care Partners are not Visitors: Access to Long-Term Care Homes Essential for Resident, Care Partner Wellbeing, says Alzheimer Society
- February 26, 2019: Alzheimer Society of Ontario welcomes Government of Ontario announcement on health-care reform Integration and collaboration key to better, responsive care
- April 11, 2019: Alzheimer Society of Ontario applauds new Investments in community care Budget 2019 includes $20 million in new funding for community support services
- January 10, 2017: Are you #InItForAlz? Alzheimer Society kicks off Alzheimer Awareness Month with new campaign
- April 4, 2017: Alzheimer Society acknowledges National Carers Day, commends Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for recognizing caregivers
- April 18, 2017: Walk the talk! Sign up for the Walk for Alzheimer’s - be a voice for change and fundraise for Alzheimer’s and other dementias
- June 22, 2017: Canada to become 30th country with national dementia strategy
- September 12, 2017: Alzheimer Society Research Program provides $3.4 million boost to dementia research
- November 28, 2017: Alzheimer Society of Ontario’s First Link program will receive $8.15 million over three years to enhance dementia care coordination across the province in local Alzheimer Societies across Ontario.
- January 5, 2016: Is it possible to live well with dementia? Half of Canadians say no. Alzheimer Society’s #StillHere campaign challenges perceptions
- February 25, 2016: Alzheimer Society applauds private member’s bill in support of a national dementia strategy
- March 8, 2016: Women’s brain health receives funding for leading research initiative in Canada
- November 7, 2016: MedicAlert Foundation Canada and Alzheimer Society of Canada announce Good Samaritan Award
- November 15, 2016: Alzheimer Society of Canada applauds Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology's Dementia in Canada: A National Strategy for Dementia-Friendly Communities
- December 14, 2016: University of Toronto researcher receives The Wilfred and Joyce Posluns Chair in Women’s Brain Health and Aging